


Iannessa与 玫瑰铺平道路

The COVID-19 outbreak has left many building owners feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place. After all, the mortgage doesn't care if your tenants can’t pay the rent because of Coronavirus

It’s a bad situation for everyone but there are things commercial property managers can do to ease the strain on their tenants, limit their liability and prepare for a phased re-entry in the coming months.


而许多商业大楼的租户都在家办公, 关键工人仍在通勤上班, which is why it’s important to maintain parking lots to accommodate these individuals and the increased curb-side customer traffic.


幸运的是, 你可以确保安全的建筑操作, 更好地保护工人, 游客 and customers amid COVID-19 while your parking paving partners are hard at work performing repairs and maintenance to client properties.


Phased re-entry is the buzzword nowadays but what does it mean for your property? It means that you will have a unique opportunity to perform essential work and repairs while your parking lots are vacant. 停车场上没有汽车意味着工作可以在更短的时间内完成, 这将增加未来的储蓄.


Now is also a terrific time to review your liability and fix those things you’ve been meaning to fix before you reopen for business and someone potentially gets hurt, 像凹坑, 不均匀的混凝土, 褪色的批号和绊倒和摔倒的危险.


你的土地修好了,你的房子也准备好了,可以安全返回, you can revel in something that few commercial property owners are likely to experience in the coming days, 安心.

我知道你已经尽了最大努力来保证房客的安全, 客户和员工, you’re free to move ahead and get extra work done now while the schedule is more flexible.

相信我们, 一旦经济重新开放, the schedule to perform work will be less free and have a much longer turn-around time.


在这危急时刻为我们的客户提供最好的服务, we have compiled the following guidance measures for business continuity during COVID-19. Here you’ll find guidance on how to safely prepare commercial buildings for the safe return of tenants, 建筑人员, 游客, 供应商和客户都一样.

Commercial property managers will also find safety procedures and protocols to implement, update and/or enhance to ensure the safe operation of your commercial properties in the post-COVID-19 world.


Some paving companies are fortunate enough to have remained working during this pandemic but it’s not due to luck. Make sure your parking lot paving partner has a fully dedicated leadership team and staff work tirelessly to ensure that their IT infrastructure is sound, secure and able to function under the increased strain of staff working from home.

对于铺路公司来说, you’d think the emphasis would be on physical infrastructure but in this case, it’s the commitment to mobile and work at home IT functionality that enabled has enabled the innovative players to operate and serve clients during these trying times.


像很多组织一样, the successful parking lot paving companies have office personnel working from home, serving clients with the same efficiency and reliability as they always have, 只是现在有了更大的决心和远见. 这不再是为了让客户满意. It’s about doing our part a professional service provider to ensure our clients can serve their staff and customers - essential workers and the medical professionals who patronize their businesses.


在我们的行业中, it’s paramount to provide services that are performed outside in wide open spaces, 一般都是与公众隔绝的. This helps us practice social distancing and keep our crews and clients safe.

当我们进入分阶段再入的阶段, commercial property owners are reminded to not only practice social distancing but also implement measures that make social distancing easy and intuitive for staff and clients inside their buildings, like marking out where customers should stand with tape and installing sneeze guards between registers and customers.


个人防护用品是我们最喜欢的新缩写词,现在是我们日常词汇的一部分. Make sure your parking lot paving partners are fully equipped with 个人防护用品 to allow for safely meeting with clients on site; crews to perform work with ease so that staff can safely return to the office when the time comes. 采取一切可能的措施,确保尽量减少接触并保护工作人员, crew and clients from the COVID-19 risk is a new top priority and your paving partner should have the proper measures in place to provide that assurance.

虽然个人防护装备很难获得,永远不应该囤积, commercial property owners should still make sure they have enough 个人防护用品 to ensure the safety of their staff and customers, 并对员工进行正确的应用交叉培训, 个人防护装备的使用和处置.


对于许多商业业主来说,冠状病毒是一个警钟. 许多人醒了过来,意识到了这一点, 除了对他们的员工和顾客构成生物威胁之外, commercial property owners must also grapple with the economic threat to their business.

There is a light at the end of this tunnel and we can reach it if we stick together, 保持距离,实施留住租户的措施, 员工及客户安全.



Alex Iannessa,客户经理 玫瑰铺平道路, has nearly 10 years of relative construction experience varying from work both in the field and in an office environment. His unique operational background allows for a multi-faceted view on the construction industry as a whole, 主要专注于销售.